14 February 2011

happy love day

Today is Valentine's Day. And, despite all of the millions of people who are too cool for it, I love Valentine's Day. I'm a hopeless romantic - one in a million I guess - and I adore this day. I love love.

On this Valentine's Day, the 14 of February 2011, I am beyond happy. My hopeless romantic, English major love poem thoughts have taken over my whole brain and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Why am I in such a lovey dovey mood? Listen:

- It is a BEAUTIFUL day in Blacksburg: 57 degrees in the middle of February (what?!). Good weather always makes me feel better no matter what.

- I have been listening to Passion Pit all day.

- The two books I ordered from Borders came today. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen and Committed: A Love Story by Elizabeth Gilbert.

- My dad is in town! And he is taking me to Macados for dinner tonight.

- Matt surprised me on Saturday with a Valentine's date. He didn't tell me what we were doing so I got all dressed up - and I was so anxious even though we've been dating for so long. He picked me up, flowers in hand, and drove me back to his place where he had cooked me dinner. Cranberry chicken, broccoli, and cous cous then brownies for dessert, my favorites. No one has ever done that for me before; it was so sweet.

- He also got me a gift certificate to get my nails done. Isn't he the best?

- Matt and I plan on spending the night watching Valentine's Day (LOVE this movie and it is so appropriate for today), eating Hershey kisses and cuddling. Perfect.

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