24 March 2011


I got my class ring last Tuesday. At Tech, rings are a huge tradition so this is a pretty big deal, especially in my family. Both my parents are Tech alum. My grandfather, also an alum, still wears his class ring every day. So, needless to say, I am pretty excited about getting my own and carrying on the tradition. In true old-fashioned style, I am also not wearing my ring until the dance on Saturday (this is SO hard to do when it just looks so pretty in the box). 

When I was thinking about getting a ring, my dad's response was "Why wouldn't you get one? Tech has been such a major part of your life." It's true. I absolutely love everything about my school - the friends I have here (aka my other family), the organizations I'm in, my major, the school spirit, football. I have grown and changed more than I could have ever anticipated in a few short years here. I have succeed in ways I never thought were possible. My ring is a symbol of those accomplishments. It's a reminder of how much I've been through at Tech. It's a thread that keeps me tied to this university. It's a physical thing that I will carry with me wherever life will take me. No matter where I am, my Virginia Tech will always be there as a constant reminder on my ring finger.

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