24 January 2011

days two through five

Yoga has been taking over my mind and body...and I'm only on day five. Though it's only been five days, I feel like I have been doing this challenge for forever, and my body is hating me for it. Only 16 more days to go! ....I really hope I can keep up with my energy and passion that I've (mostly) felt the past few days. Here are some things I learned from days 2, 3, 4, and 5:

- Day 2 was a morning practice, though, of course, I did not do it in the morning. It said to use this flow when you need energy so I did it one afternoon after my classes. I actually did feel a lot more energized - my body felt awakened, it was absolutely amazing. I even bookmarked it for future mornings in hopes I can make it part of a routine. Key lesson here: Even 15 minutes of focused, centralized exercise can make your mind and body feel a million times better.

- Day 3 was entitled: "Core Focus." Panic. My core has not had a good workout in a long time. I read the challenge tip for this one and really tried to incorporate it into my practice: "When it comes to core work, the slower you go, the greater the benefit." It was only a 20 minute video so I wanted to make the most of it. And my body has never shaken so much during a work out. Six pack here I come? I kept trying to think about the end result and concentrate on my body that I forgot to breathe and really work into the poses. Breathing is just as important, if not more, than holding the actual pose. Learned that the hard way.

- Day 4 centered around standing poses. I had high hopes for this one but I honestly didn't feel very challenged, which was disappointing. I hoped we would do more balances or poses I was unfamiliar with but it just wasn't that great. Plus, it was two guys in the video - creepy? Maybe just a bit...especially when they are more flexible than you. Biggest lesson learned: Sometimes, the practice isn't going to be the greatest one ever but you just need to make the best of it. One good thing that did come out of this day was that I decided to listen to a song before I began my flows to get my mind centered. Sometimes when I am meditating, even though I am trying my hardest, my mind will just wander so I tried putting on a song to help me focus. Best idea ever.

- Day 5: "Prepare for Splits." I've been dreading this one since I say it pop up in my inbox. I haven't done the splits since my senior year of high school so needless to say, I was afraid to begin this practice. And fear was definitely what kept me motivated. I didn't want to disappoint myself so I contorted and stretched and moved in ways I didn't think were humanly possible. Good Lord am I going to be hurting tomorrow. Note to any of you doing yoga - do not eat chicken parm for dinner then attempt any sort of yoga practice. Downward dog is no fun with a stomach full of pasta. 

My greatest lesson is this (from the day five challenge tip): "When working through a challenging posture, try to reframe your thinking from doing the pose (active) to receiving it (passive). Every pose contains information that your body understands. When you allow yourself to step back from the thinking mind, from effort and force, you create the conditions for your body to hear the information it needs."

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