17 January 2011

first day of school

Tomorrow is the first day of the semester. Holy moly. Am I prepared? Uh, not really. Yes, I've printed my schedule and I have an idea of of my outfit and I have a vague idea of what I need to do tomorrow; BUT I am not ready for 7 a.m. or homework or generally anything having to do with Spring 2011 academic semester. My mind is not prepared for tomorrow. It feels tired just thinking about what this semester holds.

As I'm frantically trying to print syllabi and fill out forms and check my email (all at once of course), I look next to me at my calendar. On it is a light green sticky note with Philippians 4:13 printed on it (kind words from a loving sister when I was in need of them last semester). The words calm me as soon as my eyes scan over them: "I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."

I may not feel prepared for the first day of class but God is. And I have faith that I can do all of it (the stress, the late nights, the never ending reading assignments, the projects worth 50% of my grade) with His help. I don't have to have it all together all the time. It is because He is strong that I can find strength. I know that I cannot make it on my own will power but when I am feeling weak, God gives me the strength I need to keep moving forward. I have a feeling that I am going to need a lot of motivation to get through tomorrow. And I am 150% positive that I will succeed in the end because I have God's almighty power and unconditional love on my side.

Just remember: "I can do all this through Him who gives me strength."And you will find what you need to get you through anything.

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