14 February 2012

valentine's day

Today is Valentine's Day (surprise!), and you know what? I freaking love Valentine's Day.

I've heard many excuses for why people don't like it: I don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend, it's a made up holiday formulated by consumerism, I don't like all that mushy gushy stuff, blah blah blah. To those excuses, I say: someone in this world loves you and they will tell you today, and guess what, you will like it.

Valentine's Day doesn't have to be about cards and gifts and flowers. It can just be about spending time with people you love and telling them that they are special and loved.

Let me tell you why I love this day:

1. I like mushy, gushy, cheesy stuff. Yes, it's obnoxious and makes other people want to vom but sometimes it's nice to be cheesy and romantic and sensitive. Who cares!

2. Valentine's Day gives me an excuse to wear super bright and sparkly pink nail polish named "Give Me a Coral Sometime."

3. I love getting dressed up and going to a nice dinner. I also love that my boyfriend surprises me by wearing khakis and a sweater for the day. So cute!

4. Surprising people with donuts in the morning is awesome! (You're welcome boyfriend and lovely roommates! I love all of you!)

5. Seeing all the posts on Facebook and Twitter makes me happy.

6. Valentine's Day is an excuse to eat lots of chocolate and drink lots of wine. Need I say more?

7. Most of all, I like telling people that I love them and why they have a special place in my life.

Why do we only have a few days of the year designated to telling people how much they mean to us? I think every day should be more like Valentine's Day. We all need to hear that we are loved. And I need more excuses to eat chocolate and wear annoying nail polish.

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