17 October 2011

follow your heart

The other weekend Matt and I went hiking with his parents. I had never been to the trail before. It was beautiful; a great escape from the overwhelming reality at school.

As we were driving home, I had no idea where we were. I didn't know how to get home on my own.

It didn't occur to me just how lost I was until a couple of days ago when I was thinking back on our trip: a whole half an hour drive and I had absolutely no clue where I was going. No clue.

I just trusted.

I sat back and went along for ride. I trusted that Matt knew where we were going and that he would take care of me.

What a liberating feeling, having such complete trust in someone so much that you are able to let down your guard and let that person carry you.

It's such a simple thing, yet it's so hard for me to do. I am used to taking care of myself and being strong for everyone else. But, in that moment, I saw how easy, not scary or worrisome, it was to let someone else take care of me. I saw that someone else can help guide my path and know what is best for me, for us. I saw that trusting is good, as long as I am willing to forget my fears.

It's okay, it's all going to be okay. Because I trust.

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