28 February 2011


I've been stuck on this issue lately: this issue of more versus better. As a society we are so stuck on having more and more stuff, but does all that stuff make us better people?

I am so guilty of constantly wanting more things - a new pair of shoes, the spring lines at Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters, books, the latest and largest television...the list could go on and on. Does constantly wanting and then filling my life with all of that stuff truly make me happy? Is that what I consider most important in my life?

Think about it: Consider all the time you spend watching television (online counts too!) or all the time you spend on facebook or twitter. Now think about how if you stopped watching TV or stalking people on facebook, you would have a lot more time in your day. All of that time you spend plugged in to electronics, you could now spend connecting with people you love or doing constructive things that you love. Instead of finding your reality in a television show, you can live your own reality.

Wanting all of this stuff doesn't fill our lives; having the latest gadgets and clothes won't make you happy, constantly wanting more and more doesn't make you a better person. I am guilty of it, we all are. We are constantly wasting all of our time, energy and money on filling our lives with things we think are going to make us happy when really there are just a few simple things in life that really matter. My things are: my family and friends, reading, coffee, card games and nature. Why would I want to sacrifice my relationship and happiness with those things for other possessions that will only satisfy me for a little while?

We need to realize the important things in life and cherish them. Don't take those things for granted by being blinded by constantly wanting more in your life. More sometimes isn't better. Sometimes all you really need are people you love, a good cup of coffee and card games. That is what makes memories. That is what lasts. That is what is important. Find your things and love them. Stop wishing for what you don't have and cherish what you do have.

20 February 2011

hello world

"Life moves pretty fast; if you don't stop and look around, 
you might miss it."
- Ferris Bueller

I think we all need to be reminded of these lovely words from the fabulous Ferris Bueller. Sometimes we are so caught up in what we are doing that we forget to just live our life. So my challenge for you today (this week or this month or even this year) is to remember to take some time for just you. Leave moments to laugh, to relax, to do something you love with someone you love. Life does move fast, you don't want to miss out on the greatest things it has to offer.

14 February 2011


Today Anthropologie launched their wedding line BHLDN (pronounced Beholden, based off the Dutch word "to keep"). I am so in love with it - I absolutely adore this new line. They take the uniqueness of Anthropologie and blend it with the tradition that lies within weddings. Their website says, "we think a moment should be as layered and dimensional as the woman standing within it." I'm hooked.

I fell head over heels for this.

I want to pair it with this.

And buy these to match.

Can't forget these.

Also, if you go to their website and view the gowns, you can watch a video of the model in the dress moving around to feature it. My nostalgic romanticism could barely handle it. So, in the words of BHLDN: be you, be loved.

happy love day

Today is Valentine's Day. And, despite all of the millions of people who are too cool for it, I love Valentine's Day. I'm a hopeless romantic - one in a million I guess - and I adore this day. I love love.

On this Valentine's Day, the 14 of February 2011, I am beyond happy. My hopeless romantic, English major love poem thoughts have taken over my whole brain and there's nothing anyone can do to stop it. Why am I in such a lovey dovey mood? Listen:

- It is a BEAUTIFUL day in Blacksburg: 57 degrees in the middle of February (what?!). Good weather always makes me feel better no matter what.

- I have been listening to Passion Pit all day.

- The two books I ordered from Borders came today. Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen and Committed: A Love Story by Elizabeth Gilbert.

- My dad is in town! And he is taking me to Macados for dinner tonight.

- Matt surprised me on Saturday with a Valentine's date. He didn't tell me what we were doing so I got all dressed up - and I was so anxious even though we've been dating for so long. He picked me up, flowers in hand, and drove me back to his place where he had cooked me dinner. Cranberry chicken, broccoli, and cous cous then brownies for dessert, my favorites. No one has ever done that for me before; it was so sweet.

- He also got me a gift certificate to get my nails done. Isn't he the best?

- Matt and I plan on spending the night watching Valentine's Day (LOVE this movie and it is so appropriate for today), eating Hershey kisses and cuddling. Perfect.

11 February 2011

happy (almost) valentine's day

I wonder if it's possible to have a love affair that lasts forever.

21 days later

I finally finished my yoga challenge!! Wednesday was my last day, and it felt so weird not to do a practice yesterday. I am proud of myself for accomplishing this and making it (barely sometimes) through the entire 21 days straight. I thought I was crazy when I signed up for this challenge but it helped me in more ways than I ever thought. Here's a little bit of what I learned during the last 21 days:

1. Breathing cures everything.
2. Strength comes not just from your body but also your mind.
3. Setting goals and then accomplishing them is the best feeling ever.
4. Taking time to exercise is so healing; body, mind, spirit, everything.
5. Yoga is the best work out. In just 21 days I feel more flexible and strong. I also think I worked every muscle in my body during each practice.
6. Sometimes it's nice to be alone, clear your mind completely and just be. No stress, no drama, just in the moment.
7. Exercising is always good for you, even if you may not want to do it at all.
8. The ends justify the means.
9. Loving your body is so important; your body is a temple, honor it.
10. Working hard is worth it.

I miss yoga already. I want to be in the place that I am when I practice yoga all day, every day. I can feel my body aching for my mat and the peace I find within it. I am free of everything when I do yoga - it's just me, my mat, my maker, and my time. When you have something like that, treasure it. An escape is what everyone needs in their life.

09 February 2011

little interruptions

You know that feeling when you have a set plan and then you run into someone and that plan changes suddenly? I had not one but two of those incidences today, but in a good way.

Incident 1: I was in Squires heading up to my favorite place to study (and actually get things accomplished) when I ran into my best friend. It's not often that he and I are together alone - my "group" consists of the fabulous four (they hate that I use that title) who pretty much do everything together. I sat down next to him and we talked. We talked and talked until he had go to class...45 minutes later. We talking about people and life and the future and our families. We talked and listened, taking turns sharing our hopes and mostly fears. For two people so completely different, it was amazing how much we connected on our thoughts about life after Virginia Tech. I love that about people; how you can think you are different from someone and then find out that you actually connect on a level you didn't think was possible.

Incident 2: After he left, I went to grab some quick lunch and finally head up to my study corner. It was there that I ran into another good friend of mine, someone who I don't see very often but when we do get together we talk about anything and everything. Running into her is always a good point in my day, and today I got to chill with her until I went to class. We sat on the floor in Squires, talking and studying, sharing little details of our weeks. It was nice to have someone who I could talk to and study with at the same time. The thing I love about our relationship is that we aren't afraid to say anything to each other and that makes our time together so real - an excellent way to gear up for a three hour class.

Sometimes you have plans. Most of the time, those plans change. I didn't get as much work done as I had hoped but I spent time and connected with two friends - time I know was not wasted. So embrace the little interruptions in your day, they may just make your day worth while.

07 February 2011


 I'm taking a digital photography class this semester and our first big project is to pick two photographers and blend their styles to create our own concept for a photo shoot. I have a million ideas of what I want to do, all mainly inspired by one photographer - Carl Bengtsson. He is a Swedish photographer who does mainly editorial work, and his photographs are stunning. Each one is provocative, engaging and elegant; they capture such a beautiful moment in time. These are the pictures that I can't stop looking at:


06 February 2011

days twelve - seventeen

Lately, my yoga challenge has not been going so well. I mean, my work outs are awesome but I have become so involved with school and trying to get all my work done that my challenge has been put on the back burner. And I absolutely hate that. The past few practices have felt rushed and insincere. I even found myself texting during one of the flows. UGH. Before, I would do jumping jacks and sit ups and push up to warm up but that has stopped. Now, I am doing the practices just to get them over with. Even the first thing I look at now when I open the email is how much time the video is. Terrible, so terrible.

I want to have time to do them with my whole heart and body; to get back to the place I was before in the beginning of the challenge. For me, yoga is more than an exercise - it's MY time. Time with God, time to focus on just me, time to relax, time to de-stress and forget, time to remember the place where I find my happiness. I am away from everything mentally. I want to get back to that place.

How do you define your priorities? I want to have time for everything in the day. Time for relaxing, exercising, and getting my work done. But lately, I've felt more obligated to do the homework for the next days than have the proper time for my yoga practices. Am I supposed to have late nights because I take an hour and a half for yoga? Am I procrastinating too much? Should I cut out time spent with my friends or boyfriend?

Needless to say, I have some things I need to work out. So that is my goal for these last couple practices - finding balance. Advice is welcomed.