28 February 2011


I've been stuck on this issue lately: this issue of more versus better. As a society we are so stuck on having more and more stuff, but does all that stuff make us better people?

I am so guilty of constantly wanting more things - a new pair of shoes, the spring lines at Anthropologie and Urban Outfitters, books, the latest and largest television...the list could go on and on. Does constantly wanting and then filling my life with all of that stuff truly make me happy? Is that what I consider most important in my life?

Think about it: Consider all the time you spend watching television (online counts too!) or all the time you spend on facebook or twitter. Now think about how if you stopped watching TV or stalking people on facebook, you would have a lot more time in your day. All of that time you spend plugged in to electronics, you could now spend connecting with people you love or doing constructive things that you love. Instead of finding your reality in a television show, you can live your own reality.

Wanting all of this stuff doesn't fill our lives; having the latest gadgets and clothes won't make you happy, constantly wanting more and more doesn't make you a better person. I am guilty of it, we all are. We are constantly wasting all of our time, energy and money on filling our lives with things we think are going to make us happy when really there are just a few simple things in life that really matter. My things are: my family and friends, reading, coffee, card games and nature. Why would I want to sacrifice my relationship and happiness with those things for other possessions that will only satisfy me for a little while?

We need to realize the important things in life and cherish them. Don't take those things for granted by being blinded by constantly wanting more in your life. More sometimes isn't better. Sometimes all you really need are people you love, a good cup of coffee and card games. That is what makes memories. That is what lasts. That is what is important. Find your things and love them. Stop wishing for what you don't have and cherish what you do have.

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