12 January 2011


I feel like I haven't blogged in forever! (In reality it's only been 3 days, though my last post seemed like it was written yesterday.) Here is an update on my goals/what has been going on in my life/things I am really excited about:

First of all, I am heading back to school SO soon and I am seriously itching to be back in Blacksburg. I feel refreshed and ready to start this semester. Things I am looking forward to are: hanging out with my roommates and seeing the greatest boyfriend ever, taking my photography class (!!!!), spring in the burg (too soon?), and kicking this semester right in the hind parts!

Second, I have a major craft project going on in my basement. More details to come, but it is absolutely fabulous and I love it. Hint? It's made from an old cabinet door. You'll never guess!

Number three: the much anticipated haircut is tomorrow. And I need one something fierce.

And finally fourth, yoga challenge is...well...in progress (progress as defined very loosely). I have decided to postpone it until I get back to school because then I can make it part of my routine there (which will hopefully stick with me throughout the semester). Don't judge me. I PROMISE I will do this challenge and then blog about how much physical pain I'm in because my body can't bend like that anymore - I'm sure you are overwhelmed with excitement from this! I have been trying really really hard to eat better. Holiday cookies watch out!

Keep checking back for more updates on these exciting adventures!! For now, peace out!

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